Rankings Methodology
Rankings Methodology
This page shows data for all IJR indicators, organized by pillar and theme. The visualisation below shows how the cluster of 18 large and mid-sized states fare on the chosen indicator, across all 3 IJRs. States ranked 1-6 for the indicator are shown in blue, those ranked 7-12 in light green and those ranked 13-18 in light brown. The table shows the indicator value as well as the raw data used to calculate it. Use the sort feature to sort any column in ascending or descending order. Use the filter feature in the first two columns to compare states or see results for only one IJR. To know more about the indicator, click on the ‘i’ button next to the indicator name. Use the side bar and indicator dropdown to navigate to other indicators across pillars and themes.

Shows utilisation of NALSA grant by SLSAs

Pillar: Legal aid

Theme: Budgets

IJRs: 1, 2, 3

Formula: (NALSA funds utilized) / (NALSA funds carried forward from previous year + received this year) * 100

Benchmark: 100%

Scoring guide: Higher, the better

Latest period/date: 2021-22

Latest data source: National Legal Services Authority (NALSA)

Notes: Formula for IJR 1 and IJR 2 did not include funds carried forward from previous year.

IJR 2: 1. Data from IJR 1 as latest data was not available for Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Chandigarh, Lakshadweep.

IJR 3: 1. Even after including the previous year’s pending balance, the figure for Delhi, Nagaland and Sikkim exceeds 100%.

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